March is Pet Poison Prevention Month
Our pets are a part of our family, and we want to protect them as such. Understanding and recognizing the substances around our homes that can be harmful to our pets is the first step we can take to prevent accidental ingestion from happening. Some things we all know can be poisonous to our animals, like chocolate, but others might surprise you! The following is a list of the top 10 poisons by call volume to the Pet Poison Helpline. Keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list, and some of the poisons listed are more toxic than others. Please click on the Pet Poison Helpline Link below to learn more about potentially harmful items that may be around your home. Top Ten:
If you believe your pet has ingested anything questionable, call us or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately! Time is of the essence when dealing with poisons. The sooner your pet can get treatment, the better the outcome can be.
For more information on protecting your pets from poison, visit the links below! |